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Take Back Your Health
Experts in chronic medical weight management for preventing, managing and reversing health conditions.
We prescribe and manage chronic weight managment pharmacotherapy within a structured and comprehensive program for the best long term results.
We are a medical program, not just a prescription.
Meal Plans & Resources
Very Low Calorie Diet
Basic Plan
Very Low Calorie Diet
Variety Plan
Modified Low Calorie Diet
Maintenance, Vacation,
Hold or Grocery
Daily Menu:
4 Meal Replacements
1 snack
7am: Smoothie
10am: Smoothie
1 pm: Smoothie
4 pm: Bar
7 pm: Smoothie or Soup
2 Weeks' order:
8 Smoothies Bases
8 Smoothie Flavor Packets
2 Boxes Bars
May substitute 2 Smoothies with 2 Soups
Total: 800 kcal
Daily Menu:
4 Meal Replacements
1 snack
7am: Smoothie or Egg Scramble
10am: Smoothie
1 pm: Soup
4 pm: Bar or Chips
7 pm: Pasta
2 Weeks' order:
2 Starter Packs, or
2 Egg Scramble
2 Smoothies Bases
2 Smoothie Flavor Packets
2 Boxes Bars
2 Pasta Bases
2 Pasta Flavor Packets
Total: 800 kcal
Daily Menu:
3 Meal Replacements
1 snack
1 Grocery Meal (not provided)
7am: Smoothie, Egg Scramble, Cereal or Oatmeal
10am: Smoothie
1 pm: Smoothie or Soup or Pasta
4 pm: Bar or Chips or Wafer
7 pm: 300-350 kcal Meal
(4-6 oz lean protein, 2 C veggies)
2 Weeks' order:
6 Meal Replacement Bases
6 Meal Flavor Packets
2 Boxes Bars
Meal Replacements: Egg Scrambles, Smoothies, Pastas
Total: 1000-1100 kcal
Daily Menu:
1 Meal Replacement
1 snack
1 Cold Drink
2 Grocery Meals (not provided)
7am: Smoothie
10am: Cold Drink
1 pm: Grocery Meal (400-500 kcal)
4 pm: Bar
7 pm: Grocery Meal (400-500 kcal)
(4-6 oz lean protein, 2 C veggies, 1-2 TBSP fat, 1/4 cup grain or legume)
4 Weeks' order:
4 Smoothies Bases
4 Smoothie Flavor Packets
4 Boxes Bars
4 Boxes Cold Drinks
Total: 1200-1400 kcal

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