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Take Back Your Health
Experts in chronic medical weight management for preventing, managing and reversing health conditions.
We prescribe and manage chronic weight managment pharmacotherapy within a structured and comprehensive program for the best long term results.
We are a medical program, not just a prescription.
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Thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply. It is immensely helpful!
I highly agree with the direction that you are going with your healthcare business. I feel very strongly about the need for the practitioner/provider to take the medical history and other direct patient communications. Often I have gone to a provider, had the typical three layer process of data taking only to find on review, that the key elements of that conversation were missing! I ran my audiology practice the same way, by taking my patient's history myself, because I knew what questions to ask and what further information needed to be clarified based on my patients' answers. Expecting assistants to do this well is unreasonable unless they become physicians themselves with the same level of education and training.