Anyone who has done the Rainier Medical program before (or knows someone who has) knows one thing for sure: if you follow the program, the program works. So, what’s the problem? As Nike says, “Just Do It,” right? Well, sometimes! What is that unicorn thing called motivation? Where does it come from? Why do we feel so focused sometimes, like it is easy to do the thing we are trying to do, whereas other times, it seems like we can make the best plans and wake up everyday saying,”today is going to be the day that I get back on track, but it feels so hard to do?” Most importantly, how do we get motivated, when it is not coming naturally?
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Take Back Your Health
Experts in chronic medical weight management for preventing, managing and reversing health conditions.
We prescribe and manage chronic weight managment pharmacotherapy within a structured and comprehensive program for the best long term results.
We are a medical program, not just a prescription.
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